Grey Level Fx

PAMM account platform

Fully compliant for regulated brokers
A PAMM platform will allow your traders to leverage their success by creating their own investment fund with investors' money within your brokerage and get paid for volumes or profit made on investors' accounts


Types of fees


Statistical parameters for each account


Logic of PAMM P&L allocations


Number of masters and investors


Customizable functions

Based on

What is a PAMM Platform?

A PAMM platform allows clients/traders to create their own investment fund and scale their success with fee payments from investors for profits made on their accounts or volumes. All investors' accounts are combined into one big trading account where the money manager opens positions. Investors cannot trade - they simply receive profits & losses in proportion to their investments.
The platform can be used with a leaderboard of strategies for retail clients as well as privately with custom allocation settings.
PAMM is widely used by licensed money managers using strategies that can be traded only on big accounts.
New client segment
Attract money managers with
a feature-rich PAMM platform.
No plugins
Hassle-free integration. We
handle all the technical aspects.
Improves lifetime value
Traders are more motivated to trade.
Others have an alternative to trading.
Setup in 7 days
Launch the platform
within a week.

Fully-Featured PAMM

Our platform provides all the basic and advanced functions for these type of products:
Manual and scheduled execution of deposit & withdrawal requests
No need to close masters' positions during deposits and withdrawals
Fees for investors can be set individually
Automated subscription and unsubscription of investors via the leaderboard
Several execution options including autocorrection on withdrawals or without realloation on deposits
PAMM Master account $10 000, 00
Lot 0.01
Profit + 0.25 USD
Investor 1
Position ID Virtual
$1 000, 00
Lot 0.001
Profit + 0.02 USD
Investor 2
Position ID Virtual
$4 000, 00
Lot 0.004
Profit + 0.10 USD
Investor 3
Position ID Virtual
$5 000, 00
Lot 0.005
Profit + 0.13 USD
Allocation with maximum precision

All your clients can become investors in PAMM accounts regardless of how much money they have.

It works in the same way with as little at $30 or as much as $300,000. Either way, the platform will calculate their share in positions and distribute the PnL to their accounts.

For Positions Up To
For PnL Allocation Of Fiat Currencies Up To
Manual and scheduled execution of deposit & withdrawal requests

A PAMM Master account is combined from the balances of all investor accounts. All deposits and withdrawals by investors affect the balance of the master account as well as the free margin.

In our PAMM platform, when an investor makes a deposit or withdrawal it is not executed immediately - he makes a deposit/withdrawal request that will be executed manually or by scheduling it.

So the money manager always has full control over the time of execution of deposit/withdrawal requests and can prepare his account for this event while adjusting the position sizes without any danger of accidental stop outs.

Master Account

Investment account

Investment account

Investment account

All Fiat and Cryptocurrencies are supported

Your clients can use an account nominated in any currency. The platform supports any combination imaginable. All fees will be calculated and paid respectively.

Accounts can be opened in fiat and cryptos: USD, JPY, BTC, USDT, EUR, etc.

Master and investor must have the same currency
Master in USD and Investor in USD
Master in BTC and Investor in BTC

Start your free trial
of PAMM platform

We'd love to hear from you. Fill out our contact form and a sales representative will contact you.

State-of-art architecture of the platform

The investment platform is stand-alone from MT4/5 server software and installed on a separate server connected via manager's API. No plugins need be installed. No calculations are made on the MetaTrader server. No additional load to MT or risk of a crash.
Hosting Options
The platform can be hosted both on a server provided by a client or B2Broker.
FeaturesOwn ServerB2Broker’s Server
Updates / maintenance of a VPSClientB2Broker
Who has access to a serverOptionally for client: starting from no access to B2Broker’s Support team up to RDP access for full maintenance of services with fast supportGrey Level Fx Team. Client has access only to database (optional) and to admin panel.
Database accessFull accessBy default B2Broker. Read-only access can be provided to client on request
Approximate cost~120 USD for one server. No discount on monthly support priceIncluded in monthly price
Can Work With Any Client's CRM. No Integration Required.
Investment Platform is a standalone software and supports several ways of integration with a broker's infrastructure with different levels of time and development costs - no integration, seamless sign-on and deep integration.
No integration
Fast integration
Deep integration
Fast launch with no integration
The basic setup can be done without integration with client area at all: 1) Users will login in web interfaces with login and password to their MT4/5 account that is opened in Client area of broker or in MetaTrader Manager. 2) Broker can use the platform via admin panel even without web interfaces.
Seamless Sign-On (approx. 2 days of development)
With JSON REST API you can make a seamless authorization from the client area to web interfaces, so investors and money managers will not need to authorize them separately.
Deep integration (from 1 week up to 6 months)
Suitable for companies which have resources and time for development. With the API you can integrate every single function inside of your client area and allow users to create accounts, subscribe and see statistics without going to any other interface or app. As the API is not going to be changed deep integration can be made after launch with SSO or even no integration and release new functions step-by-step to clients.
Full White Label Support
The investment platform supports a white label in two ways:
A main label owner can use one server to provide the investment platform to his own white labels.
A white label owner of any main white label MetaTrader server provider can also use it as it does not require plugin installations, just MT manager credentials without administrator rights.
For Whitelabel owners
For Mainlabel owners

The investment platform supports white labels. If you have clients that are using a white label based on your MT server, you can create one for them in your admin panel with a separate web-UI and give them a manager's application with access to their accounts only.

White label architecture is the same as for WLs in the MetaTrader server. Each white label will have access to their account only from manager's applications, and leaderboards and will also be separated. This means that there will be no interference between accounts.

Hence, the logic of the back-office infrastructure is the same as for MetaTrader server in that there is only one admin panel, but several manager's accounts for each white label.

No Need To Create A New Group For Each New Money Manager
The platform is connected to the MT server with a Manager's API. All master and investment accounts can be placed in either one or a few groups. Your existing groups can be used for placing master and investors there. No need to create a separate group for every money manager and his investors.
Connected via manager's API without administrator rights
Automated monitoring system and auto-recovery scripts
All data is stored in MySQL database with backups
No calculations are made on the MetaTrader server. No additional load to MT
MetaTrader server will work at the same speed as without Investment Platform
No risk of conflict of MetaTrader server with plugins
All functions of the platform are available via JSON REST API. No limit in further integration in website or client area
Manager's apps are available for back office staff. Rights can be customized for each user.
Admin rights are not required. Can be used by white labels of any main label MT provider
Charts & statistics

Successful strategies deserve to be presented in the best possible way

Collect, share and present your trading history with minimal effort.
Showcase of traders
All the best traders in one place
All master accounts opened in your company are visible in the leaderboard and sorted by return. Investors use filters and compare them all on one page and choosing several for deeper analysis.
A statistics page for every account
Each account in copy trading has its own statistics page featuring a big chart and a multitude of other parameters to help investors better analyze the strategy of a trader before investing.
Statistical parameters for each account and counting...
History uploader

History uploader allows you to create, save and edit public statistics performance. With this tool you have full control over your leaderboard and can launch sales and marketing to investors straight after launch.

Create your own statistics
Upload history from existing accounts
Onboard experienced money managers

Make traders an offer they can't refuse

Present your clients with a service that's a cut above a standard broker's offer for traders. Differentiate yourself by offering them a valuable proposition of a bright future as a money manager with real career opportunities and attractive fee-based revenues.
Commissions Earned
Commission Follower 1
+ 23.65$
Commission Follower 2
+ 334.28$
Commission Follower 3
+ 143.15$
Commission Follower 4
+ 8.66$
Commission Follower 225
+ 19.43$
Total earnings:
+ 5644.15$
Career opportunities for traders

Offer your clients the chance to earn money by starting a career as a professional, self-employed full-time trader.

Earning money with personal savings is not easy but as part of an investment pool, income potential is unlimited.

No marketing effort required

The best part of the offer for traders is that no marketing is required as the broker does it for them.

If a trader continues to make a profit, he will move up in the leaderboard and become visible to every single client within the brokerage.

A personal risk manager for every trader

Bad days can happen with every trader. The aim is to avoid leaving all money on the table due to a single mistake. Offer your clients a daily risk limit - a tool widely used by all investment funds.

It's simple - all the trader needs to do is set the percentage to equity at the beginning of the day. If the trader reaches it, the platform blocks all trading until the next day.

Go beyond with PAMM Accounts

Fill the form, send request and we will contact you shortly

The chance of a lifetime for investors and amateur traders

Under a quarter of traders earn money on the markets and even less than this do so regularly. PAMM Accounts help everyone invest in successful strategies and create a diversified investment portfolio.
Private and public accounts

Our platform by default has a leaderboard of master accounts. However, your money managers have the option to show or hide accounts from the leaderboard.

Separate web interfaces for IBs

Let your biggest IBs run their pool of clients in a separate web-interface. In this way they will be able to have multiple master accounts and promote them without interfering with other clients' accounts which are not under their IB schema.

Create an investment portfolio with several traders

Why invest in one strategy from one money manager when you can invest in five, ten or even 15 traders and diversify your risk?

One or more may lose money, whereas successful ones will profit and compensate for the losses. It's the same risk control approach that applies with stock trading.

Offer your clients investments, not a hobby

Risk control is what makes the difference between active and passive investments.

With our platform, your clients can set a risk limit for their investments and feel safe and calm. A less stressful experience will earn the trust of your clients.

Less stress, more trust

How a PAMM-platform works

A PAMM platform combines investors accounts into one big master account. All investors receive P&L for master's positions in proportion to their investments. At the end of the period they pay fees.
1 Money manager opens PAMM account, starts trading with his own money and statistics are collected for his account.
2 Investor deposits $1000 into PAMM
3 Money manager continues trading and earns $2,000
4 Investor pay fees from profits made on his account

Watch a video about our product

Money Management: Offer Your Clients Real Money-Making Opportunities
In this video, Grey Level Fx Product Manager Investment Platform, Sergey Ryzhavin, discusses how the Investment Platform can help you launch copy trading, PAMM or MAM accounts in your company in as little as one week.

Beat competitors
with PAMM offer

We'd love to hear from you. Fill out our contact form and a sales representative will contact you.

Four types of fees all paid automatically

Four types of fees are available within the investment platform. Each are designed to pay money managers for their efforts and are transferred from the investment account to a trader's wallet.
Subscription fee
The simplest type of fee. Just one flat fee regardless of account size, trading frequency or profit. USD only.
Can be paid daily / weekly / monthly
Performance fee
Industry-standard fee type. Calculated as X percent of net profit. Based on high watermark.
Can be paid daily / weekly / monthly
Management fee
Type of fee that is paid independently from trading activity or profit made. Set in a percentage per year of assets.
Can be paid as a percentage of equity or as a percentage of balance.
Volume fee
Second most popular fee type. Calculated as a USD/lot.
Paid immediately after closing a position.

Your money managers can work with IBs and gather in teams

All fees paid by our investment platform can be shared between a money manager and his partners.
Fees from one investor are shared between the money manager and IB.
Fees from all clients are shared between the trader and his team.

Make money from the first month

Tools that will allow you to onboard new clients on an investment product immediately after launch without having to wait several months, including website content for and knowledge base.
Public Leaderboard
Master 1
Investor Master
Investor 2
You can copy signals from all your retail clients without them knowing their accounts are being used somewhere.
Automate master accounts with trades from retail clients

It is always hard to attract good traders and managers until you have large number of investors and vice versa.

However, in our investment platform you can create a master account for the leaderboard and make it a investor's to any other client privately in the admin panel.

Each master can be a signal receiver to other accounts
Unlimited source of signals from client base
Public Leaderboard
Master 1
Investor Master
Investor 2
Master 3
Investor 2
Reverse-copy masters

You can copy on master accounts positions from good traders as well as those from losing clients, but in reverse mode. Copy sell position when they trade, buy and vice versa.

Copy positions from good traders
Reverese copy from losing traders
Combine signals from many private-masters on one public master account
Free ready-to-use website content

We have created not only the technology but all the basic website content that is required for the launch of a product for retail clients.

It consists of several website pages and content for a support center. All you need to do is replace the screenshots and copy all the text as is.

Content for main page
Content for page for investors
Content for page for money managers
Content for support center
Free content for promo emails

Almost nothing can beat email marketing in terms of efficiency. It is the cheapest way to promote services and offers to your clients with instant impact.

We have created a set of emails which you can copy and send to your client base.

Available in 3 languages: EN, RU and CN.

E-mail about launch of Service
E-mail for investors and losing traders
E-mail for hunting money managers

See what we can do for you

Let us know who you are and what challenges we can help you solve or opportunities we can help you seize.

General comparison of account types

JSON REST API for further development

With built-in JSON REST API, our platform offers you many opportunities for further development of widgets for your website's web interface which can be integrated into your client area. You also have the opportunity to create investment mobile apps.

Other features

Our platform capabilities reach way beyond simple copy trading. Most functionality is customizable for a broker's specific needs.
Support all types of trading instruments
Your clients can trade Forex, Metals, Indices, Stocks, Cryptos and all other groups of instruments on offer.
Sharing fees between master and partners
The money manager can share fees between himself and his agents for a specific investor, or all of them.
Over 100 customizable functions
Almost all functions are customizable in a few clicks from the admin panel.
Email for new accounts
Your clients will receive an email with login details and a password every time a new account is created.
White label support
White label architecture is the same as for WLs in the MetaTrader server. Each WL has access to their account via the manager's applications.
Support EA trading
Your clients can trade manually or with EAs with no limitations regarding trading style or instruments.
Different currencies for investor and master
A signal provider and his followers are able to have different account currencies, including cryptos.
Range for logins of new accounts
You can specify a range for new master and investor accounts which are opened by a platform individually, e.g. new investors will be opened in 100000-200000 and new masters in 400000-500000 ranges.
Logging of all events and actions
Each client action, data from the MT server or calculation is logged by a platform. When you have a query about why something may have happened, it can be found in the log files.
Full support of Crypto-Currencies
Trading Accounts can be nominated in any fiat or crypto-currency such as BTC, ETH, Ripple and others.
Limit for maximum amount of accounts
You can allow clients to open as many accounts as they want or just 5-7, for example.
Maximum number of subscriptions for investor
It is hard to manage risks between A- and B-books if the investor is subscribed to 3 or 5 masters. You can limit the number of active subscriptions for 1 investor.
Setting default groups for new accounts
There is a table in settings where you can specify in which group the account type that should be opened by default. Also, the platform can copy a group from a payment account.
Maximum number of active subscriptions for one master
You can limit the number of active subscriptions for 1 master and make his offer limited for new investors.
Auto-archiving of inactive accounts
The system can automatically archive inactive accounts after they are deleted or archived in the MT4/5 server.

Color scheme, text and logo customization

Two default color schemes are available by default: white and dark. You can add your logo, choose a main color and replace all text free of charge. Most functions and buttons are also customizable from the admin panel. Request a demo for more details.
A complete change of all colors is available on request subject to an additional charge.


Have a question? A source of useful information about our products and services.
Does a money manager need to close positions when his clients make deposits and withdrawals?
No, he can accept money anytime and any day with opened positions. He has several allocation options for his master accounts on deposits and withdrawals with reallocation and autocorrection.
Can i use a platform if i don't have my own MT4/5 server and i'm just a WhiteLabel?
Yes, platform is connected to a MetaTrader server via MT manager’s API and requires no admin rights. MainLabel owners allow our clients use the platform as it is safe and secure and not requires installation of plug-ins.
Can an investor trade on his investment account?
No, all PAMM slave investment accounts are in read-only mode. Investors can only unsubscribe from a master but cannot trade on their own.
How fast does risk limit work?
Risk limit starts closing positions approximately 1 minute after reaching the signal level of equity. Please take care when making promises to your clients regarding speed of work and ensure you notify them that slippage is possible and that real losses can exceed any risk limit they set. Clients never should invest more than they are willing to lose.
I don't need all types of fees and leaderboard. Can I get a discount?
No, we do not offer packages based on feature use. No one is likely to use all the features but each broker will create their own product using features and options in the same way as children do with brick constructors. We are constantly developing our platform and the quantity of features is constantly expanding, giving you an opportunity to make a tailor-made product for your clients according to your own vision.
I have my own MT4/5 server and several White Labels. If I buy a system for my company, will my White Labels be able to launch this product?
A license is issued for one company brand on one MT4/5 server. If you are a MetaTrader server Main Label owner and you want to buy several licenses for your White Labels, please contact us for volume discounts.
I have several MT4/5 servers. Do I need to buy pay x2 or x3 to provide a service for my clients on other servers?
I have several MT4/5 servers. Do I need to buy pay x2 or x3 to provide a service for my clients on other servers?
Can I use a platform with cTrader, B2Margin, DxTrade, xStation or ProTrader?
No, currently the platform works only with MetaTrader 4/5 servers and doesn’t support other platforms and has no integrations with crypto-exchanges. We have a plan in our long-term roadmap to integrate the platform with B2Margin and DxTrade.
We have a strict security policy. Can we setup a platform on our server and provide you no access to it?
Yes, you can provide your own server that meets our technical requirements and we will do the setup there. We will point all alerts from the monitoring system to devices of your server administrators.

You can limit the access of your support team to this server and provide it via TeamViewer or Anydesk when you need assistance.
Can we restrict access to personal data of clients?
You can restrict access to personal data for a platform by limiting the rights of the MT manager. However, it will impact on user experience: – The platform can copy the name, email, city and other data from the user record from the payment account. – The platform sends emails with credentials after the creation of new accounts. This will not be possible without rights of the MT manager to personal details.
Who is responsible for maintenance of the platform?
If setup is made on a server provided by B2Broker, the system administrators and technical support team are responsible for the maintenance of servers. If you request doing your own setup on your server, your staff will be responsible for maintenance and software updates. However, you can request help from our tech support team when needed, especially if you provide RDP access to a server. Please contact us to discuss your specific case.
Can I integrate a platform with my in-house Trader's room and create a mobile app?
Yes, we have a API in our platform and you can easily integrate it with your trader’s room or create a mobile app.
Any others questions?
Ask us now

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It comes best with

Our liquidity is best combined with the leading industry trading platforms to provide the ultimate in performance and user satisfaction.
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Favourite markets, grouping, watchlist, trading activity and history modules
Crypto CFD Liquidity

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List unlimited tradable assets
Include 3 level security system
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