Grey Level Fx- Our History

Our History

Grey Level Fx is an established company that has positioned itself as one of the leading service providers in the B2B sphere. Since the company's inception, Grey Level Fx has reached many important milestones, paving the way for an even bigger future.


Born to shine

Grey Level Fx commenced operations in 2014, entering the market with two products: a white label MT4 /MT5 solution and traders room and back office software for brokers integrated with MT4/MT5. The company set on its course to develop and broaden its range of products and services to an expanding client base. At this early stage, Grey Level Fx had one office, 12 employees and 2 clients.

2014 in details


New home

The following year, 2015 saw the development of the first fully-fledged CRM-system for brokers. The company also reached a further important milestone after developing the first platform for launching a Forex brokerage business in just 2 weeks.

2015 in details


First awards

In 2016, the company went on to expand its product line, adding aggregated liquidity from 3 different liquidity providers and a range of legal and financial services. Grey Level Fx also added PAMM/MAM/Copy Trading into its product line. In addition, the company also added liquidity on shares and launched a package offering under the banner of Forex Broker Turnkey. Grey Level Fx opened an office in Kiev and with a new website and saw its employee numbers expand to 20, with 5 clients (CIS, Europe).

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2016 in details


International player

In its quest to penetrate the Asian market, Grey Level Fx opened an office in Hong Kong in 2017 while integrating PrimeXM and OneZero into its service offerings. This was an important year for the company as awareness continued to grow with unprecedented demand for its products and services across the globe. International expansion was a key part of the growth strategy for the company as more and more clients were onboarded worldwide.

Grey Level Fx entered the world arena visiting more than 15 expos during the year and onboarding 30 clients from more than 10 countries. Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Cyprus, Bulgaria, Malaysia, Czech Republic with 35 employees in its team.

4 (+ Hong Kong)

2017 in details


Getting stronger

In 2018, Grey Level Fx opened an office in Cyprus, bringing the total to three offices globally and its total number of employees to 60. In this year, the company launched a new project called B2BinPay which allows merchants to start accepting cryptocurrency as a payment method. B2BinPay was set to become one of the company’s leading and most successful projects. With a meticulously planned schedule to build on its early successes the company also launched its drive to develop B2BX, a professional digital asset exchange, featuring for the first time in early on in the year.

5 (+ Limassol)

2018 in details


Working as a team

Grey Level Fx continued to expand its offerings while venturing into new horizons, achieving further company representation and increased visibility across the globe. 2019 was a huge year for the company in terms of expo attendance with a schedule including Consensus and iFX Expo that took B2Broker’s leading company representatives far and wide across the globe. The company also played a prominent part in one of the industry’s leading events. In addition, the company’s headcount further expanded to handle its increasing client base, reaching nearly 100 employees.


2019 in details


Best of the best

2020 was undeniably the most successful, albeit challenging years for Grey Level Fx due to the onset of Covid-19. Nevertheless, big strides were made as this year saw the acquisition of several licenses which allowed the company to operate under the required jurisdictions. The company also secured FCA AEMI approval to offer e-payment services in the UK and Europe. In terms of new products, Grey Level Fx introduced B2Core to bring a new pack-based trader’s room concept to businesses and B2Margin, its white label margin exchange trading platform. One of the main highlight projects of the year was the launch of it’s much lauded new website and corporate branding to align with its corporate development and expansion plans. The company was also proud to receive the Global Forex Award 2020 for Best CRM provider and Finance Magnates Best Crypto Payment Solution for B2BinPay. To date the company has 8 offices and over 161 employees.

8 (+ London & Tallin)
6 (+ FCA & CYSEC)

2020 in details

Reporting our results is an annual occurrence for our business, covering our achievements and work carried out by the company. 2020 was a particularly active year in terms of client acquisition and new licences, opening new doors for us across the globe.

One of our most important projects was the launch of our innovative new website of a standard not seen in the industry before and reflecting our position as the leading global technology and liquidity provider.

These events, coupled with a range of exciting new product launches, expo attendance, the launch of our successful new webinar series and two new industry awards under our belt made 2020 our best year yet.

We look forward to an even more successful 2021!

Grey Level Fx 2020 results in numbers

Grey Level Fx is thrilled to release its latest video looking back at what has turned out to be undeniably its most successful year to date. In what has become a regular tradition for the company, this latest video provides an exciting overview of all the major achievements and work undertaken by Grey Level Fx during 2020.

The best solutions
on the market
We confidently claim to offer the best products and solutions on the market, reflected in the solid growth of our business since its inception. Our results speak for themselves and are represented here graphically.

2020 saw a substantial jump in sales,
up 196% compared with 2019.
Grey Level Fx dealt with over 15,000 leads during 2020, originating from various sources worldwide. Our brand continues to penetrate the global markets, bringing us more opportunities and heightened interest in our products. 2020, saw a total of 125 sales and new clients added to the company’s portfolio.
This year saw the launch of our new webinar series to wide acclaim. We were pleased to be one of the first to take advantage of the necessity to conduct more of our business online in this way during 2020, and have gone on to host sessions on our main products and services, as well as securing new clients along the way.
Finding new friends
Our employee headcount rose by nearly 60% across all departments during 2020. This increase is represented in the infographic. We continue to seek the industry’s leading talent, from developers and product managers to sales and marketing personnel, to assist Grey Level Fx in delivering the very best solutions available, while supporting the company’s expansion plans.
New licences
With the ever-increasing importance of regulation, Grey Level Fx was happy to secure regulatory approval from some of the industry’s leading bodies including CySEC and FCA, amongst others.

The acquisition of these new licences in 2020 provided Grey Level Fx with the means to conduct business in new jurisdictions, enabling the company to onboard new clients and expand its overall business.
Our awards
We are proud of our growing collection of awards which we have received for the provision of cutting-edge technology solutions to the Fintech industry.

Another year older!

After emerging from a successful 2020 despite the challenges presented by Covid-19, 2021 brought with it an even greater number of achievements in a year that saw Grey Level Fx reach unanticipated heights.

A full-on year in every respect, Grey Level Fx was proud of all its successes and extensive work completed during the year. From product launches to several prestigious industry award wins, the company took a giant leap forward, which was reflected in the substantial growth of its client base in 2021.

In terms of accolades, the company secured the “Best White Label Solution 2021” award, one our most notable wins to date, which was awarded to us for our industry leading turnkey solutions at FMLS21 expo. Our newest CySEC licence acquisitions, together with our latest office openings (London, Dubai, Tallinn), and our main new product releases and updates, including B2Core and B2Trader, were the icing on the cake and ended the year on a high.

On the corporate communications side of things, 2021 saw our website development transition into becoming ”more than just a site, but a whole universe!”.

Our 4 new licences, 4 prestigious awards, 4 new offices, 245 new employees and 150+ new clients were the barometer of our success, and helped to make 2021 the most successful year ever!

9 (+ Dubai)
7 (+ FSC)

An Overview of 2021

It is customary for Grey Level Fx to report its results annually and measure the success of the previous year’s achievements. 2021 proved to be a highly active year, surpassing the previous year in terms of numbers of sales, clients onboarded, increase in employees and licences obtained.

Reflecting on the positive results, our position as the leading global technology and liquidity provider is more evident than ever presenting greater opportunities for us to expand our reach even further across the globe.

The combination of hard work and achievements have culminated in another outstanding year for Grey Level Fx and we look forward to even greater successes in 2022!

Grey Level Fx 2021 Results in Numbers

Grey Level Fx is pleased to release a summary of its most important data, illustrating the growth of the company since its inception in 2014. Our new licences, additional awards, new offices, and employees, together with 150+ new clients are represented in the infographics below.

The best solutions on the market
We are proud to offer the industry’s leading products and solutions, backed by year-on-year growth in all business areas. View our exceptional results at a glance.

2021 saw a continuous increase sales, up 184% compared with 2020.
Grey Level Fx dealt with over 14 000 leads during 2021, originating from various worldwide sources. Grey Level Fx continues to break through further markets globally, with more opportunities coming our way and a growing acknowledgement of the Grey Level Fx brand in the industry.
This year saw the launch of our new webinar series to wide acclaim. We were pleased to be one of the first to take advantage of the necessity to conduct more of our business online in this way during 2021, and have gone on to host sessions on our main products and services, as well as securing new clients along the way.
Finding new friends
Our employee headcount rose by 57% across all departments during 2021, this increase being represented in the infographic.

We continue to look for industry-leading talent, from developers and product managers to sales and marketing personnel, to assist Grey Level Fx in delivering the best solutions available to the market while supporting the company’s plans for growth.
Our licences
Industry regulation for the Forex and financial services industry has never been more important and Grey Level Fx secured regulatory approval from some of the leading regulators during 2021 including CySEC, FCA and FSC (Mauritius).

The acquisition of these new licences in 2021 provided Grey Level Fx with the means to enter new markets under these jurisdictions, enabling the company to onboard new clients and expand its overall business.

Our awards

We are proud of our growing collection of awards which we have received for the provision of cutting-edge technology solutions to the Fintech industry.


Our roadmap provides a view of where Grey Level Fx is headed in the near future and our plans to get there.
Arthur Azizov
Founder and CEO

In accordance with our philosophy, we publish our actual results once a year. Our total number of clients, offices, licenses and employees all speak for themselves.

Learn more about our products

Find out why so many brokers and other institutions approach us to help them save time and mоnеy. Accеss B2Brоkеr's decade-long liquidity and technology expertise today!

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We appreciate everyone who works with us and inspires us towards achieving our success.
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