Grey Level Fx

MarksMan Liquidity Distribution Engine

Fast and simple access to liquidity pools on major crypto exchanges.
Your reliable gateway into digital asset liquidity pools. Supports spot and perpetual futures liquidity.
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We'll be back updated soon

Due to the company decision, this product is temporarily unavailable for sale. Our team is fully aligned and concentrated to bring this product back to market as soon as possible, with new features, reworked architecture, unlimited scalability and 99,99% stability!

What is MarksMan

MarksMan Liquidity Hub enables retail and institutional brokers, as well as crypto-exchanges, to deliver the best possible trading experience to their customers.
The platform provides a set of services for access to spot liquidity of digital assets and other trading instruments. MarksMan supplies top-of-the-book and full market depth pricing, as well as includes simple yet powerful price construction and risk hedging features.
Fast Setup in
10 days
Technical Support

Ways to Provide Liquidity

Organic Liquidity
Market Makers Services
MarksMan Liquidity Hub
Ad-hoc connection to a single LP
Liquidity available from the start of operations
Trading can start even with a single user on the venue
High Availability / Failover
On-the-venue liquidity
post-exec. model
post-exec. model
post-exec. model
Sufficient Volume of Supplied Liquidity
depends on a venue
Extensive Selection of trading instruments
Synthetic Symbols
Price Constructor
Trades Execution and Hedging
Price risk hedging
Post execution (a.k.a. Risk Warehouse Execution Model) available
Depends on market makers
Pre-trade Execution Control Available
Depends on market makers
Coming soon
Depends on development
Technical Considerations
No integration required via APIs and/or FIX protocol
Hedging Trade Volume is Free of Charge
Liquidity Provision is Free of Charge
Depends on market makers
Minimum monthly fee is required
Typically tens of thousands of USD
Starting at USD 500
1 If the venue is based on a supported platform
2 If hedging on a MarksMan Ecosystem Partner
3 Unless stimulating Maker Orders with negative Maker fees


MarksMan Ecosystem is an interconnected community of platform-accredited Liquidity Providers and
Client Instances, making available an unmatched level of user experience for their end users.
Ecosystem Participants
Ecosystem Takers or Clients
Customers operating a supported instance of an exchange system (such as B2Trader)

Employ the MarksMan platform to access the liquidity made available by Liquidity Providers on the Ecosystem List (Ecosystem Partners), external Liquidity Providers, and Market Data Aggregators

Hedge price risks at supported Liquidity Providers, both those on the Ecosystem List, and external Liquidity Providers

Ecosystem Makers or Partners

Liquidity Providers, who entered Ecosystem List as liquidity sources for the Client instances, and as platforms for price risk hedging for the Ecosystem Clients

Liquidity Providers

External LPs
Perpetual Futures

Perpetual Futures

The upcoming Perpetual Engine services by MarksMan Liquidity Hub allow for provision, computation, and timing of the market data necessary to offer your own Perpetual Futures products.
The data include Price Index and Premium Index in accordance with the derivative product contract specification, that allows the calculation of Funding Rates to keep the Perpetual Futures contract price close to the Price Index, based on your definitions.
The innovative services by MarksMan Liquidity HUB provide institutional and retail brokers, crypto exchanges, and other trading venues with new and exciting opportunities to offer their clients perpetual Futures, meeting and even exceeding expectations in terms of exact contract specifications, unmatched liquidity and execution quality.
Get detailed documentation, API references and other
helpful information for all of our products.
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Key Features

Price Discovery
The price discovery engine enables deriving the top-of-the-book prices as well as full-depth order books for spot assets through the Level 2 quotes from several sources, and by utilizing additional market data sources.

The number of trading instruments, order book depth and liquidity providers connected is limited only by your imagination and computing resources available.
Custom adapters to Liquidity Providers and Market Data Aggregators available on demand
Supported (FIX Protocol (Market Data), Websocket API, REST API, Public API, Private API)
Ready-made adapters connecting to supported Liquidity Providers
Full market depth prices
Top-of-the book prices
Price Construction
Flexible adjustment of liquidity streams by applying the granular configuration to the trading instruments and order books aimed at facilitating trades on one hand and reducing risks on the other. Markups, volume modifiers, order book depth, symbol mapping, decimal precision - are the parameters at your disposal to shape the liquidity on your platform.

Order book, liquidity and trading instrument selection as you see fit.
Order book depth
Modify the market depth, available to your customers
Volume modifiers
Amplify or reduce volumes, represented in the order book
Decimal precision
Manage the decimal places for symbols you quote
Apply a markup to quotes, received from LPs
Symbol mapping
Rename trading instruments any way you like
Comprehensive reporting on all aspects of hedging orders, execution quality data, timing and other crucial information. End user trade request details, hedging order placement data, hedging order execution stats available. Searchable order history is provided with sophisticated filters in place.

All the necessary information about trades and hedge orders at your fingertips to keep track on risk hedging and to support your decisions.
Export to convenient data formats
Drill down for order details
Search/filter by all fields
Easily accessible information
Risk Hedging
Available from a wide selection of Liquidity Providers on Ecosystem List, Supported List, or any external Liquidity Provider via custom adapters.

Simple yet powerful features to hedge your price risks.
Connection to one or more Liquidity Providers
Comprehensive reporting
Execution quality monitoring
Flexible hedging parameters:
Hedge Ratio - 0..100%, configurable by User Account, Hedging Platform, Symbol, etc.
Hedging Platform selection and whitelisting
Hedging Order Type, Time-in-Force
Hedging instrument symbol override
Min and Max Order Size for the hedging purposes
Liquidity Provider
Seamless connection to a variety of Liquidity Providers
and Market Data Aggregators via numerous methods.

MarksMan connectivity solutions allow for improved price discovery, liquidity access, and trade execution at high speed and low latency, catering to the most demanding institutional clients, crypto exchanges, and retail brokers, dealing in spot cryptocurrency markets.
Market Data API, Trading API, Account Management API
Ready-made adapters to Liquidity Providers
Custom API adapters may be developed on demand
FIX Protocol, Websocket API, REST API supported
Public and Private API
API Keys Setup
A quick and easy interface to establish secure access to a hedging account on a chosen liquidity provider by entering keys to trading API.

An intuitive way to manage access to hedging platforms.
Strong encryption is applied; the API keys may only be added or replaced in their entirety
Add or remove API keys to establish connection
Connection status is prominently displayed
Synthetic Instruments
Create new synthetic instruments by combining separate symbols, inverting base and quote assets, and applying fractions to enable effective liquidity feeds of the novel artificial pairs offered by your market-making business or at your trading venue.
Artificial asset pairs
for example, μBTC/DOGE
Fractional instruments
such as μBTC
Synthetic crosses
combine ETH/USDT and XRP/USDT to offer ETH/XRP
Account Management System
True multi asset Account Management System. Account status, as well as account details, such as Balance, Equity, Unrealized and Realized PnL always at your fingertips. Granular user access administration to make certain who has the rights to Deposits/Withdrawals, Position Management, Reporting and other account management features.
Manage open positions of an account or a group of accounts
View/sort/search the trades for any period of time
Select an account or a list of accounts to work with
Review the balance operations, select time periods and get alerts
Monitor the negative balance protection status and other crucial account information


We have specifically developed our package solution so that potential
clients can find the best fit for their business.
Price Discovery
Market Depth
All Available Symbols
Price Construction
Volume Modifier
Symbol Mapping
Order Book Depth
Synthetic Crosses
Synthetic Crosses
Fractional Instruments (μBTC)
Liquidity Provider Connectivity
FIX Protocol (Market Data)
Websocket API
Market Data API
Trading API
Account Management API
Public API
Private API
Liquidity Provision and Risk Hedging
Ecosystem List LPs
Supported External LPs
1 LP
Up to 6 LPs
View Full Table

Use Cases

Basic Package
Ecosystem-based deployment
The Client exchange receives the liquidity from the Ecosystem Partner, and hedges the price risks on the Ecosystem Partner.
The connectivity extends to one Ecosystem Partners or a number of them.
Advanced Package
Hybrid Deployment
The Client exchange may chose to receive the liquidity from either or both of the following sources, as well as hedge risks:
Ecosystem Partner, or multiple Ecosystem Partners
One External LP, such as Binance
Enterprise Package
Universal connectivity deployment
The Client exchange may chose to receive the liquidity from either or both of the following sources, as well as hedge risks:
Ecosystem Partner, or multiple Ecosystem Partners
Up to 6 External LP, such as Binance, etc.

Customer support

Email us
Our professional customer service team is available to assist you with any queries.
Use ticket system
Get our assistance directly
from the platform.
Use Slack
You will be assigned with a personal manager speaking your language


MarksMan Liquidity Infrastracture
Fees & Pricing
All pricing details are gathered here for your convenience.
Check them out.
Explore Fees & Pricing

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It comes best with

Our liquidity is best combined with the leading industry trading platforms to provide the ultimate in performance and user satisfaction.
B2Trader (Matching Engine)

A feature-rich matching engine developed by Grey Level Fx for high-loaded exchanges with big number of clients.

Fulfill up to 10000 requests per second
Commissions ladder
Order execution less than 5 microseconds
Loyalty token with commission discount for end-users
B2Margin (Margin trading platform)

Highly customizable and scalable trading platform. All that is needed to start a brokerage business in one package.

Market depth of 40 Levels
Custom leverage for each order
FIX API connection
Dynamic Adv UI